Private, Shared & Public Boards
Kerika gives you flexibility: For each board that you create, you can decide who gets to view it and who gets to make changes.
- Set the privacy to Only people on the team, and this will limit access to the board to only those people who are added to the board team – no one else will be able to even find this board.
- If you want to share the board with specific people, add them one by one to the board team, by clicking on the Board Team button on the top-right area of Kerika.
- If you want your board to be easily found by your coworkers, set the privacy to Everyone in Account Team: this will make the board viewable by everyone who is part of your account team.
- If you want to share your board with the entire world – if you are working on an open-source or volunteer project – set the privacy setting to Anyone with link, and even people who are not Kerika users will be able to view the board.