There isn't much that Joy Paulus doesn't know about maps: she's been working on Geographical Information Systems (GIS) long before Google Maps came along:-)
>Joy has been using Kerika for over several years now. She started with a Scrum Board for a large, cross-agency project to resolve inconsistencies in address data across multiple state agencies.
This project was high-profile, complex and cross-organizational: it pulled together folks from 8 different state agencies:
There were two clear challenges for this team: it was a first experience in Scrum for most folks, and, of course, it was the kind of multi-agency, multi-location, distributed team project that's impossible to deliver using traditional tools like SharePoint and Microsoft Project.
Joy is also part of a distributed, multi-agency team that's using a Kanban Board to develop policies and standards for the entire state:
Kerika's easy extensibility across organizational boundaries — all you need is a browser — helped Joy quickly put together a team of state government experts (from multiple agencies, of course) and students from the University of Washington to create a comprehensive database of all the walking, hiking, riding and climbing trails in the state: all 20,000 of them!